Monday, September 13, 2010

Tax Dollars Going Towards Healthy Lunches

Source: "Senate passes $.4.5B nutrition bill"

From the Constitution

U.S. Constitution: Article I
Section 7. Legislative Process
Clause 1. Revenue Bills

Insertion of this clause was another of the devices sanctioned by the Framers to preserve and enforce the separation of pow ers. 426 It applies, in the context of the permissibility of Senate amendments to a House-passed bill, to all bills for collecting revenue-- revenue decreasing as well as revenue increasing--rather than simply to just those bills that increase revenue. 427
Only bills to levy taxes in the strict sense of the word are comprehended by the phrase ''all bills for raising revenue;'' bills for other purposes, which incidentally create revenue, are not included. 428 Thus, a Senate-initiated bill that provided for a monetary ''special assessment'' to pay into a crime victims fund did not violate the clause, because it was a statute that created and raised revenue to support a particular governmental program and was not a law raising revenue to support Government generally. 429 An act providing a national currency secured by a pledge of bonds of the United States, which, ''in the furtherance of that object, and also to meet the expenses attending the execution of the act,'' imposed a tax on the circulating notes of national banks was held not to be a revenue measure which must originate in the House of Representatives. 430 Neither was a bill that provided that the District of Columbia should raise by taxation and pay to designated railroad companies a specified sum for the elimination of grade crossings and the construction of a railway station. 431 The substitution of a corporation tax for an inheritance tax, 432 and the addition of a section imposing an excise tax upon the use of foreign-built pleasure yachts, 433 have been held to be within the Senate's constitutional power to propose amendments.

Connecting to the Constitution

Michelle Obama proposed that school lunches should be healthier for the children of America. She believes this will decrease the number of child obesity cases. Her husband pushed the bill to be heard on the bill so it would meet the September expiration date. Sen. Blanche Lincoln read the bill proposal on the floor. There were many Senators that agreed with Obama's bill. This bill requires a $10 increase in childhood nutrition program for 2011.
This relates to the constitution because the bill had to be heard by the Senate. Senators had to vote on the bill to make it a law, that's what happened and now it's a law. This relates specifically to revenue bills because the demand for money for funding means taxes will eventually increase for the funding.

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