Monday, August 23, 2010

It's Unconstitutional


From the Constitution

Second Amendment: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Connecting to the Constitution

When is it right for one to bare arms? Is it ok for a ex-felons, or mentally ill people to own guns and keep in their homes? No? Well Heller, a man living in Washington DC, agrees with you. He feels that he has the right to own a handgun. Heller says that his gun is for protection. And it's unconstitutional to ban them. The second amendment gives people the right to bear arms, and to take that away from him wouldn't be ok. He says that he doesn't use his gun at all, unless there's a need for him to.

Washington claims that a gun can be present in the house, but it must be disassembled. Having it is pointless then. There will be no sense of protection with a gun that is not put together. In case of sudden emergency, the gun is useless. If one isn't using their gun for bad, or if they don't have a record, then they should be able to keep the gun in their household.

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